Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hitting From Behind

There are consequences:

A hit from behind on Air Force’s George Michalke by Canisius’ Matthew Grazen which occurred on October 25th in Buffalo. 

 These photos are of Michalke taken to the hospital along with a photo of his helmet which broke upon impact. All in all, Michalke suffered a major concussion, a broken bone in his sinus cavity, a 1.25” gash in his face, and was unable to travel back to Colorado for a week.

This hit has dramatically impacted George's life. The concussion has left George with many difficulties and he has had to stop playing hockey for the rest of the year.
 Grazen who delivered the illegal hit received a seven game suspension. Hardly seems right?

So while this is a game- a sport-- it's not a "game". It's real life, with real people.  Passion is an essential part of the game-  buts o is DISCIPLINE.
 If you "DOUBT IT- DON"T DO IT".... because reckless behavior can have devastating consequences.

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